Too Much Snow

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A parody of a song by Alanis Morissette.
Recorded by Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 01/21/2016  Released: 01/22/2016  First aired: 01/22/2016


Big thanks to Jason for again listening to me whine about my new Garage Band and giving me some much-appreciated suggestions. I wasn't too happy with how this one turned out but I'm moving on- maybe it's time to switch to Audacity? Anyone if Audacity just has a basic vocal with no added effects? I can't seem to find that in the new GB.

They said keep your cool. It's just an inch or two.
I wish nothing but you're all hit by a bus.
I should have listened to him, should have rolled with Sheehan.
Instead I'm stuck behind a guy in a Prius.
At every block he's stopping;
All for a simple dusting.
Get your a@& off the road and free us!
But that's just the first part, the worst is yet to start, Pepco'll fail and I'll have to store my cottage cheese outside. No!
And man I stink at starting a fire and though I've got wood, that ain't no good, we're gonna die! Gonna die! We're all gonna die!

And it's here. The snowpocalypse!
What a mess is coming, 23.6'
I won't be in on Monday, I'll be bunkered down in 20015.
Too, too, too much snow!

*A parody of "You Oughta Know" by Alanis Morissette

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Your Name
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    fabulous!!! your initial assessment on this was WAY off!
    3080 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Thanks so much for the kind words, everyone. Anita- Let's add my parents in with Brad and John as the exception. And Kevin's first jingle from the 90's was so great and so was Gary's response: "That's not true at all."
    3082 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    I love that you did this one, and that you posted it. :) It's great. I agree with Joe - Kevin's comment about this being the first 90's song was funny. I mean Jerry and Joe both did ones from Live ABOUT Kevin that I thought he tweeted something about at one point.
    3082 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    I was bummed when I could find the song of TK Jingles when I was hearing it on the air. i am using an old version of GarageBand but possible I'd be willing to explore what need to happen make the new version work for you.
    3083 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    I have no idea what you're talking about. This is sweet! Love it. And you and I can enjoy it from Minnesota and Alaska where snow is never an issue. And don't get me started again on the Prius thing. John and Brad the exception I'm sure?
    3083 days ago.
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    What John said. You did it so well too.
    3083 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Purely awesome Kj.....Love the Sheehan "90's Song" comment also. You can tell he only occasionally checks in on the jingles. Lol
    3084 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    You are all over the airwaves. Nice in-studio love for this one - well deserved. You sing the hard ones and sound great doing it! :-)
    3084 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Nice!! Love Alanis! Nice cottage cheese line - but where is he gonna find cottage cheese?
    3084 days ago.