Josie (Steely Dan)

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A parody of a song by Steely Dan.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 12/30/2015  Released: 12/30/2015  First aired: unaired


I was intending for this to be a Prodcast special for Jerry, but one verse didn't seem like enough, so now it's just a web site special, for the DAN fans.....

We're gonna break out the rants and zingers
on Jerry's Prodcast
From the TK Show writers and singers
Brad Weiss to Kj, Steve Lipton and Jason Fuse
Negrelli's jingles are unstoppable
Gets in and gets out hits the mark every time
Robert Berg is just incomparable
Yeah Tony says so

Olshansky and Barto
so great
Neil In Rockville he is never late
John Fitzpatrick and Luke Overbey
Hampton Byron Dylan and Sean Morrisey uh huh

Tony do ya want some free swag
he'll never say no..... Noooh!
I met you at the bar at Kilroy's
You really shocked us all that night
the way you mixed with the peeps
Stayed up way past your bedtime
Watchin' the show while the Littles all sang
Now it's time to start a new year
on the TK Show

On Mr. Tony's Show
we'll try
to get our songs played until you die
Emails, faxes and notes
Gonna read a few for all of you folks yeah yeah

By Joe Aro
Parody of "JOSIE" by STEELY DAN

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Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Joe, here's another jingler who can totally relate to your thoughts. In fact, it's one of the reasons for my current drought. I think many of us have been there before. I purposely took a break over the holidays and am just now getting back to the site. So, look out folks. Your inboxes are 'bout to 'splode! Unless I get tired...apparently, I waited too long cuz there are a whole lot of new songs since I was last on. This one's great (thanks as always for the shoutout) as is all your stuff. Happy New Year, Littles!
    3187 days ago.
  • Anonymous Little
    Oh, my favorite Prince track is a tie between him playing the Purple Rain solo IN the rain at the Super Bowl half time... and him appearing magically from the shadows at the 2004 Hall of Fame jam on While my Guitar Gently Weeps and making the rest of those really famous musicians into his backing band for a few minutes. The last couple minutes are great... and the way he leaves the stage at the very end might be my favorite part.
    3193 days ago.
  • Anonymous Little
    I think Rob is right to say all of us can relate to what you are expressing Joe. Even I can sympathize - and I'm an emotionless robot, John said it better with his Herschel story than I ever could. And I also think it's a great thing that you come through in everything you sing - a lot of people would love to have that ability.
    3193 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    I also like Raspberry Beret, and Erotic City, but When You Were Mine is my favorite Prince track. but i probably like Prince as much as you guys like the Dan. bootlegs, b-sides, the whole 9 on Prince. well, up until 1997-ish. every man has his limits.
    3193 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Good call on "Erotic City" Joe - check out my favorite "Raspberry Beret" by Hindu Love God (Warren Zevon with R.E.M. as the backing band)
    3196 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Scott, thank you sir! Have to admit, I care too much. By the way, I always liked Rasberry Beret, although "Erotic City" is my favorite....
    3196 days ago.
  • Scott in Columbia, MD
    Joe - I've listened to your Mr. Porthouser song about 15 times. It is fantastic. You may not realize it, but you are an artist. And many of the best artists don't care what others think about their work. They are painting, singing, etc., to meet their own standards. You think Prince's favorite song is Rasberry Beret? It's probably some song that didn't become popular, but he loved it.
    3197 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    I am reminded of an old story about Heisman Trophy winner and all around stud Herschel Walker. At the height of his sports fame, he told an interviewer he wanted to be an FBI agent. I commented at the time, there isn't a guy in the FBI who wouldn't trade places with him RIGHT NOW. Joe, I get everything that you are saying, and I think it's always good to step back and take stock - but as you do, do not lose sight of the fact that you are Joseph F. Aro and maybe, just maybe the clouds up there on Mount Olympus are obscuring your view just a touch. Jingle on, from any and all lanes you choose!
    3197 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Thanks, folks! As I was telling Steve, I am totally envious of you folks who can do all of these songs and do so many different styles and sound so many different ways. I think my issue with myself is that, pretty much, my stuff all sounds the same. Going to try and venture into some different lanes this year. Thanks again for all of the feedback, it is much appreciated. Always is!!!
    3197 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    joe, i can also relate. honestly, tk jingles IS my social media mostly and i find myself relying on comments for feedback on material and also just interactions with other littles. i think the holidays just sort of discombobulated (sp?) people's routines. i know i've taken a 2 1/2 week break and have many songs to listen to. but you've articulated something i think we probably all have felt at one time or another.
    3197 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Joe, you are on the Mount Rushmore of TK Jinglers. I was in California for a week and I felt like I was missing out on everyone and everything because I was spending time with my family. But never underestimate your impact, for it is immense!
    3200 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I know what you mean, affirmation via the main show or this website is always a great feeling. I think there's simply so much content now that folks don't always comment on everything. I'm open to ideas for 2016 to make the content more accessible
    3201 days ago.
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    I've been waiting for Josie. Real beaut Joe! Happy New Year!
    3201 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Joe - don't get melancholy on us now. We need your wit and wonderful singing to carry us through the new year. I did notice a slow down in jingles and comments over the holidays. I think it was just because our families made us get a life and put our obsession on hold. But it's almost 2016 and all bets will be off! Thanks for all the enjoyment this past year. Happy New Year and a big TK salute to all the Littles. May your year be joyful and filled with jingles.
    3201 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Thanks, Brad!! Always love your input!!
    3201 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Joe,I know just how you feel about the let down. I think it's because it's so thrilling to get a great response, and then you just come to depend on it, and it's hard for everyone to keep up with all the new stuff that keeps showing up. But your stuff is ALWAYS appreciated- the shout outs are great, and, as Anita says, it's never not funny to include emails, faxes, and notes! Have a great New Year!
    3201 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Ya' know what, lately I've been depressed with the jingles. I haven't been getting as many listens it seems and not much feedback on the stuff that I actually write AND sing. Some songs you pour your heart and soul into, and when you don't hear anything positive, especially from your "main jingle peeps" it really gets to you (well, me)....Felt that way BIG-TIME with the Mrs. Robinson tune I did just before Christmas. I really thought that was some of the best stuff I could do. Thanks, Jerry...and ALWAYS, Anita!
    3201 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Nice work, Joe, & thanks for the prodcast shoutout!
    3201 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Nice to see emails, faxes and notes! Here's to 2016 Joe!
    3201 days ago.