Gretchen Wu

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A parody of a song by The Beach Boys.
A Collaboration by ElliotO in Commack, NY & joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 12/15/2015  Released: 12/16/2015  First aired: 12/17/2015


There's a Little
Teaching Latin
At the Head-Royce School
Gretchen Wu
Gretchen Wu (Gretchen Wu)

Used to go there
Now she works there
Histay howsay tinkssay
Who'd have thought a birthday email
Would lead to worldwide fame?

Will this jingle catch the ear of
Her old friend Luke Yoo?
Gretchen Wu
Gretchen Wu (Gretchen Wu)

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Your Name
  • Hether Ludwick
    Had lunch with Gretchen on Monday. Three Latin teachers. We spoke Latin throughout the meal. Alia iacta est because Gretchen ordered the cheese plate dessert but tried to change it to the hot chocolate brownie like thing. Et tu, Brute, to the waitress who could not change the order. Sic transit gloria mundi when the divine prandium was over.
    3012 days ago.
  • ElliotO in Hauppauge, NY
    Part of my reason for writing this was actually to counter its previous association for me. A hospice service in NY uses "In My Room" in its radio ads, and the children singing makes it very haunting and depressing. Now, when I think about "In My Room," I think of "Gretchen Wu" instead...
    3188 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    sorry about that. i really am. it's such a great song too. of course, i do not have this problem with it at all, which is kind of ironic.
    3194 days ago.
  • Admas Goshu in White Oak, Md
    P.S Mr. Robert Berg. I still cant list to Rolling In The Deep without thinking of Baldkng Jordan Speith. So thank you very much!
    3194 days ago.
  • Admas Goshu in White Oak, Md
    I always thought I was funny, not boring like everybody else says, but funny. NO I AM NOT! Thus is funny. Like Larry David impersonating Bernie Sanders funny.
    3194 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    it's all Wu all the time! this is great. btw, I was doing research on thiswebsitestinks and they linked Gretchen's LinkedIn page when someone on the board asked who she is. how could you not know who she is?!
    3199 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Awesome. cannot be far behind at this point.
    3199 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Wu-a-thon on Old Guy Radio.
    3201 days ago.
  • Gretchen Wu
    Oh. My. God! No joke, the Beach Boys are arguably my favorite band. This is amazing.
    3201 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Well played sirs!
    3202 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Implysay antasticfay
    3202 days ago.