I've Got You Under My Skin

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A parody of a song by Frank Sinatra.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 04/11/2015  Released: 04/11/2015  First aired: 04/13/2015


So, yeah, I watched the Sinatra doc last night......

I've Got You Under My Skin

It seems you have got really thin skin
I hear you as you rant and you carp at me
Each night you also show up on my TV
In HD, you’ve got such orange skin
I’ve tried so not to tune in
I said to myself: these broadcasts just never do go so well
But somehow I cannot resist when, Tony, I know so well
It’s clear you’ve got really thin skin

Littles call you on anything come what might
For the sake of getting to hear
That plaintive tone in your voice that’ s loaded with spite
And repeats, how you yell in my ear
Makes you sound like a fool, you never can win
Seems your mentality, makes its own reality
Still each time I listen just the sounds from you
Makes me spit-take my coffee again
Seems, for now, I’ll tune in again


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Man, so smooth on the performance. I like it.
    3374 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i LOVE the reality line. this one is great.
    3375 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    you can't be serious! i just got done recording this. oh John, this is really hard to believe. i'm gonna post mine anyway. great song choice.
    3375 days ago.