Do We Have a Guest?

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Recorded by Pdubble in Formerly Columbus, GA, Now Fort Riley, KS
Recorded: 12/20/2014  Released: 12/20/2014  First aired: unaired


Pete Waiters and Mademoiselles, it is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight.
And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a
chair as the Anthony I. Kornheiser show proudly presents -
your PTI Preview!

Do we have a guest? Do we have a guest?
Then we can put Wilbon to the test!
Just get someone for five minutes, Kelliher
And we'll provide the rest
Nationals Scores
Derick Rose’s Sores
RG3 has done something worthy of our scorn
Talk about the forecast
It's atrocious
I’ll even stoop so low, as to talk about Chicago
I can yodel, Wilbon rants
We can talk about Junior’s pants
And in oddsmakers I’m never second best
Go on, this is not a Monday in the Fall
It’s a Thursday in April
We need a guest
Do we have a guest?
Please tell me we have a guest!