Beyond the Sea [with Bob Ryan]

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A parody of a song by Bobby Darin.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 03/18/2014  Released: 03/18/2014  First aired: unaired


So today was not the first time Tony has said the bit about wishing his stranded-on-a-desert-island-partner would be Bob Ryan, but today it just had this funny bro-mance tone to it. So, here's jingle to cement the image in your head of these two castaways in rags, shuffling thru the sands telling Wilt stories and arguing about Belichick until...until...well, hell, who's going to rescue these two?!

"Beyond The Sea (with Bob Ryan)"

Somewhere shipwrecked at sea
Desert island Tony and he
Together they stand on golden sands
Its Tony and Bob, quintessential

Its unclear how this came to be
Some weird sports chum fantasy
Tone makes it clear if he’s stranded here
His castaway choice
Is Bob Ryan

It's far beyond belief
Tony would get near a boat
I know beyond a doubt
His heart would sooner explode

Perhaps at the Delaware shore
He’ll kvetch just as before
At the bookstore beside the sea
But never will this Tony go sailing

A parody of "Beyond the Sea" by Bobby Darin

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Your Name
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    How did I miss this all those months ago? Had a thought about how to do Bobby Darin - but I can't top THIS!! Never will this Tony go sailing!!
    3657 days ago.
  • Dwconnell in Melbourne, fl
    3844 days ago.