Douse The Flames (Born This Way)

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A parody of a song by Lady Gaga.
Recorded by Kj Ohnstad in Minnesota
Recorded: 09/06/2019  Released: 09/11/2019  First aired: unaired


It’s Labor Day, let’s put the hamburgers on.
Time for me to grill some meat
My Dad’s so proud to call me Charcoal Son;
I think he forgot I crushed the Ivy League

But something’s wrong that’s a lot of smoke.
And now the grease trap’s fully inflamed
But have no fear, I’m not about to choke.
Listen to me when I say.

There’ll be no fire today
Fireman Mike’s on his way.
I Just Pull, Aim, Squeeze, and sweep, I'm dousing the flames!

And I have practiced on grass
And I am up to the task
On my right knee, safely, I am dousing the flames.

You can practice every day.
Get on your right knee my way.
You too can douse the flames!

Just shoulder the hose in place.
Pull the pin, squeeze, sweep, and aim.
You too can douse the flames!

*A parody of "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga