Boiling Eggs (Yesterday - The Beatles)

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by OldAtHeart in Madison, WI
Recorded: 03/12/2019  Released: 03/12/2019  First aired: unaired


The show referenced the working lyrics for Yesterday were "Scrambled Eggs" this parody of that naturally took 5 minutes to write. It just took 2 weeks to actually record it.

Boiling eggs
When Tony's mad he starts boiling eggs
If he's feeling down in the dregs,
he fills a pot and boils some eggs.

Suddenly, he's at the sink eating ice cream
Maybe Coffee or Vanilla Bean,
he grabs a spoon and eats ice cream

Why he has no bowl, he doesn't know, too mad to say
When there's something wrong, it's ice cream or boiling eggs...
Boiling eggs