One Percenter [Operator]

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A parody of a song by Jim Croce.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 06/17/2018  Released: 06/17/2018  First aired: 06/26/2018


Re-revisiting a classic Jim Croce tune, because why not ruin it another time....


One percenter, so full of unmitigated gall
Someone who still writes has some thoughts about soccer
Novella’s on the pitch
Makes you grouse and moan and bitch
You rant so hard like someone who’s gone off their rocker
This is just the way we knew it’d go, once you left radio
You can’t stand soccer but you’re just fine if
They come to Chatter and you sell them some wine and some beer
You’ve really sunk this low, you're all about the sale
They don’t give Pulitzers for mixing up cocktails
This might just be too real now you know how sales weasels feel

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