Eat It (Cillizza Edition)

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A parody of a song by Michael Jackson.
A Collaboration by ElliotO in Commack, NY & joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 01/22/2018  Released: 01/24/2018  First aired: 02/05/2018


He's at the Nats game drinking wine and not beer
Some Littles seem to wish he would just disappear
They fill the Mailbag and their words are really clear
Chris, Eat It
Lace, Eat It

Makes weird references writing for CNN
Like Trump's Hulk Hogan legdropping the Macho Man
He bugs Ian Kahn cause he's a Dawson's Creek fan
Lace, Eat It
The Hoyas' schedule is bad

Lace, Eat It (Eat It)
Eat It (Eat It)
Behind the plate is where he's seated
Talking heads bash him
All day and night
Likes to drink rum from a bottle that's white
Chris, Eat It

(With apologies to Weird Al...and no apologies whatsoever to the Tree Frog)
(Also, here's the Trump/Hogan column:

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Your Name
  • EmmetGM
    What a great parody!
    2313 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    You had me at 'Chris, Eat it."
    2355 days ago.