(Ebola) Won't Break Out Again - The Who Won't Get Fooled Again Parody

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A parody of a song by The Who.
Recorded by Rich Oettinger in Albany NY
Recorded: 01/16/2016  Released: 01/16/2016  First aired: 01/19/2016


Well, finally, the long awaited follow up to the original Ebola song:

No new cases in six weeks
It seems this thing has been beat
But the WHO warns, that it may not all be gone
It takes forty-two days to pass on
With no surprise from Mr. Wilbon
It is time, for a new Ebola song

I tip my hat to the medical institutions
Saved us Littles from a worldwide distribution
Yay, Mr. Tony is still around
And Ms. Rieger's okay
But remember what we sang yesterday
So Galactic Howard doesn't say
That Ebola broke out again


Your Name
  • Rich Oettinger in Albany NY
    breakouts would be bad, but i did see a story about a vaccine, so maybe there's news still to come?!
    3090 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    indeed...the original ebola track is the 4th song on my jingle playlist. it would probably be bad form to root for breakouts to complete a trilogy.
    3092 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Nice! I love this as a follow up to the original Ebola - which just happens to be one of the most memorable jingles ever.
    3094 days ago.