The Wind & Ovi's 500th Goal (The Wind & 500 Miles)
I blame it on the wind, yes the wind is his bane
Not the Packers pass rush
Or our awful run D
Why couldn't Desean just reach out?
I'll never, never, never, never
I'll never quite figure that out
Extend it like a good TK salute
But then Ovi scored his 500th goal, then went on to add one goal more
It was the greatest moment in DC Sports
Or at least of 2016
Season's over, get em next year
We've got the Caps and Wiz, oh wait only the Caps
Season's over, get em next year
The terps looked shaky against unranked Wisconsin
Season's over, get em next year
The Nats trade Storen and keep the choker instead
Season's over, get em next year
The Nats trade Storen and keep the choker instead
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