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A parody of a song by Ed Sheeran.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 09/30/2015  Released: 09/30/2015  First aired: unaired


Driving to work, traffic’s the worst sometimes
‘cause Washington can’t handle rain or snow
So I salute, I give the TK salute sometimes
I learned that trick from Mr. Tony’s show

‘cause Tony can always make me laugh
and I love that he laughs at himself
Starting with the open
to the e-mails, faxes notes and
the stupid songs that they play still

So Mr. Tony
Tell us again about your blue jeans
or your favorite steakhouse on nineteent' street
somehow it never gets old, listening on my way home

A parody of Ed Sheeran, “Photograph”


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  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Heard this on the prodcast. It's not easy to get this level of feeling to translate through ANY song, much less a parody that's mixing comedy in. The level of difficulty on this one is much higher than you make it seem here.
    3184 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Agree with Rob. Very nice.
    3196 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    wow. the sincerity of the performance threw me but this is beautiful. I can't think of many jingles like this one. it's a devotional.
    3202 days ago.