Whee mo way

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Recorded by purplebari in Gaithersburg, MD
Recorded: 10/16/2013  Released: 11/01/2013  First aired: unaired


Uh Whee mo way (8 time)

Uh Whee mo way (4 times)
A corno curro cabinet
Uh Whee mo way
Uh Whee mo way

EEEEEEEE-mail faxes and your notes
EEEEEEEE-mail faxes and your notes

It's the mailbag, it's Tony's mailbag
We'll read some for you folks
It's the mailbag, it's Tony's mailbag
We'll read some for you folks

On News Channel 8

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  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Love this!
    3976 days ago.