Gary Has a Twitter Handle (Mary Had a Little Lamb)

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A parody of a song by Buddy Guy / SRV.
Recorded by Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 02/25/2015  Released: 02/26/2015  First aired: unaired


Mr Tony often mentions it'd be a disaster if he got on Twitter... It's good that Gary and others tweet about the show so he doesn't have to.

My daughter has "Nursery Rhyme" week at pre-school... which made me think of this. I've always liked the blues versions of Mary Had a Little Lamb- particularly the ones by Stevie Ray and Buddy Guy - so this is an acoustic guitar version based on those.

Gary has a Twitter handle
He often tweets for the show
Cause if Tony had Twitter
You know we'd see a "gots-to-go"

We'd follow him for just one day
And he'd break all Twitter's rules
What a time he'd have
A hurricane crushin' fools

(instrumental sponsor break) :D

You'd tweet this, and you'd tweet that
As you join the conversation
You'd tweet this, and you'd tweet that
And then something outrageous
You wouldn't be able to help yourself
There's only 3 reasons to be famous

Parody of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" - Buddy Guy/Stevie Ray Vaughn


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Thanks! I figured if it's a Twitter centered song, then the default tweet sound needed to fit in someplace to really make it extra silly. :)
    3367 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Bravo! Bravisssimo! Standing O, Judo! Love this Buddy Guy track and to hear something bluesy on TK Jingles is terrific. The tweet sound effect cracked me up. As did "gots-to-go" Great!
    3369 days ago.