It's always the mailbag (to me) (BILLY JOEL)

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A parody of a song by Billy Joel.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 10/29/2013  Released: 10/30/2013  First aired: 11/04/2013


You can send in a fax
Or an email that's witty....
While munching on goodies down at Bagel City.
If you're not a podcaster you'll hear this today:
If you're out on your bike tonight, do what the Rolling Stones say.....

Tony sells you some windows
that he says you'll be needing...
He might then take a pause,
and laugh while he's reading....
With just a few clicks of your google machine
Send an email to Nigel now you know the MAILBAG routine

By Joe Aro
Ellicott City, MD

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Your Name
  • chipster61 in Jackson, MO
    Great job Joe! An instant classic and Billy Joel getting all sorts of love! Who's going to do the Barry Manilow parody telling Mr. Tony to leave the state?
    3969 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Nice to hear, although Simon Cowell would probably call my voice "very karaoke"....Ha!
    3976 days ago.
  • bradweiss in Carrboro, NC
    When I hear Joe Aro who can actually SING perform a jingle it makes me ashamed to send mine in. Well, ok, even more ashamed. Well done, lad.
    3976 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in St. Paul, MN
    3977 days ago.
  • Marc
    3977 days ago.