Friends in High Places

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A parody of a song by Garth Brooks.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 10/20/2019  Released: 10/25/2019  First aired: 10/25/2019


Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks

Might be Chicago roots
But his sharp words he mutes
When a really hot take would be fair

If it’s some guy he knows
Its kid gloves on all shows
He’ll be the last one to blast one on air

And there’s little surprise
When it’s one of his guys
Earning universal disdain

'Cause Mike will be true
Harsh words he will eschew
Yup, you'll never hear Wilbon complain

'Cause Mike’s got friends in high places
So the Spurs GM
Stays in good graces
While he tweets away
China crushes the NBA

Yeah the Broncos stink
Elway comes up aces
Losin' Hornets owner, Mike embraces
Oh, he’s got friends in high places

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