Meta-Jingle (Ain't Nobody Got Time For That)

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A parody of a song by Sweet Brown.
Recorded by robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
Recorded: 04/27/2016  Released: 04/27/2016  First aired: 04/27/2016


This didn't quite turn out how I wanted it to. If I ever write an autobiography I'll probably use that line for the title.

How’m I not gonna jingle that?
How’m I not gonna jingle that?
Cillizza talking memes, now he’s Wiki-reading
How’m I not gonna jingle that?

So I have to pick a jingle song
Write an open and a denouement
That supports the theme, pick a good rhyme scheme
Yeah I’m talking through the 4th wall

That’s what a meta-artifact does
Suspends the suspension of
The conscious thought you’re consuming art
Now let’s hit the memetic part

Here’s where the lady named Sweet Brown says cold pop
And normally I look for a clean karaoke track
But this one allowed me to point out
How the jingle process operates, and since that actually worked out better for meta,
I kept it in

The original music track’s
Called Ain't nobody got time for that
Used interviews to songify the news
Then it goes viral on YouTube

Meta’s too clever by half
So coming up is a snow shovel track
The odd percussive sound is me hammering down
Just pretend it’s Raju’s head

Chris said, "Tony it’s like when
I go to see the Minions
They make jokes for older folks
Cillizza’s completely off the mark

Tone said, “Is an emoji a meme"
They tried explaining the damned thing
In 2 months we’ll be here again
Please God write this down for him

How’m I not gonna jingle that?
How’m I not gonna jingle that?
When this braintrust tries to discuss
How’m I not gonna jingle that?

Now I’m on the last stanza whence
I do a sweep for consonance
And internal rhyme, I’m on cloud nine
I can put this jingle to bed

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Your Name
  • Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
    Obviously using this song for this idea is beyond brilliant... and I really enjoy that "Sweet Brown" gets the original song credit. :)
    3060 days ago.
  • revschaef in Washington, D.C
    Cillizza's explanation of "meta" was only slightly better than Winona Rider's explanation of "irony" in "Reality Bites," when she said, "It's when something is ironic."
    3067 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    I've got nothing extra to add here so I'll just say Awesome!
    3067 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Williamsburg, VA
    Yes, Cillizza, when a children's cartoon movie makes a joke you can understand, that's so meta. Actually, THAT is meta. Thanks for the primer, Rob (a WOW!!).
    3067 days ago.
  • Tucker in Middletown New Jersey
    This might be my favorite jingle of all time.
    3068 days ago.
  • Nuclear Badger in Near Charlottesville, VA
    Wow. Fantastic.
    3068 days ago.
  • Luke Overbey in Charleston, SC
    I think this is really funny. And you accomplished the meta meta jingle. The cold pop part is great.
    3068 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Howard gets it though.
    3069 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    TIRB stikes again. Mr. Tony still doesn't get it.
    3069 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    3069 days ago.