Learn to Run

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A parody of a song by Bruce Springsteen.
A Collaboration by ElliotO in Commack, NY & mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 11/14/2015  Released: 11/23/2015  First aired: 11/24/2015


On Sundays they run out on the field in pursuit of a playoff dream
But it's tough when Matt Jones coughs up the ball and gives it to the other team.
Try to break through that defensive line
But they just get rejected, wind up looking at third and 9
Can't do nothing for the running backs
They just get trapped and the ground game is crap
So before the season's done. if they want to make the playoffs
Maybe they should learn to run
Come on, Gruden, coach them up
Maybe they should learn to run
Don't wanna cause no fuss
Maybe they should learn to run


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Man this is good.
    3216 days ago.
  • Byron in Philadelphia, PA
    3223 days ago.
  • tedinindy in Brownsburg
    Fantastic! I love this
    3223 days ago.
  • robert berg in Pittsburgh, PA
    great lyrics, great bruce, perfect concept!
    3224 days ago.
  • Anita from Alaska
    Airtime tomorrow for Liz? Big sigh.
    3224 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Thanks to Elliot for including me in the Brucefest. I've always wanted to try belting out the o-whoa-o-o's at the end of this song somewhere other than in my car.
    3224 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    Yep, great all-around.
    3224 days ago.
  • Sean Morrissey in Frederick,MD
    Perfect lyrics. Really well done. Great Bruce too!
    3224 days ago.