Back On My Radio Show (BACK IN THE USSR)

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
A Collaboration by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD & Neil From Rockville in Rockville
Recorded: 08/25/2015  Released: 09/01/2015  First aired: unaired


Another one from the team that brought you "TROTZ! TROTZ! TROTZ!" and "50 WAYS TO COOK A CHICKEN"......

Drove in from Rehoboth Beach, the 404
Hit my bed by eight last night
All the way across I had to close my eyes
Man that bridge is such a fright
I’m back on the Radio show
Now get out of my chair, boys
Back on my Radio show
Been away so long the Nats aren’t in 1st place
Still don’t eat icecream with a cone
Can’t wait to talk about all the things I’ve missed
Nigel, get Abby (or Ryan or Finemann) on the phone
I’m back on the Radio show
Now get out of my chair, boys
Back on the Ray, Back on the Ray
Back on the Radio show
Well Kevin’s newscast will be really great
I’m sure someone will die
The price of coffee makes me scream and shout
(and) The Orchid’s always on m-m-my mind
Oh, come on
I’m back on the Radio show
Now get out of my chair, boys
Back on my Radio show
Well Kevin’s newscast will be really great
I’m sure someone will die
The price of coffee makes me scream and shout
The Orchid’s always on m-m-my mind
Show me how to get to work a faster way
But start me off at PTI
Did you hear about the plane that caught on fire
Man I really hate to fly
I’m back on the Radio show
Hey now get out of my chair, boys
Back on my radio show

Lyrics: Neil In Rockville
Vocals: Joe Aro


Your Name
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Correctamundo....(Fonzie voice)
    3306 days ago.
  • John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
    Joe, there is no mistaking just how much you love singing this song. It's like the lads wrote it for you ;-)
    3306 days ago.
  • Bill Barto in Columbus, OH
    This is great, well done guys.
    3306 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Now get out of my chair - perfect!
    3307 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Love this one. The "m-m-m-my mind" part is so well done, it jumps out of the track to your ears.
    3307 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    i wish my voice was this expressive. i really do. love the way Joe punches on the laugh lines. well done, gents.
    3307 days ago.