Aldridge and the NBA

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A parody of a song by The Kingston Trio.
Recorded by Dylan in Los Angeles, CA
Recorded: 05/27/2015  Released: 05/28/2015  First aired: unaired


Well let me tell you a story ‘bout a man named David Aldridge
A colleague of Tony K.
Left the radio show to hit the road
And cover the NBA

And did he ever return?
No, he never returned
But you can see him every night on Turn (er Network Television)
Reporting courtside in a sports arena
He’s the man who never returned

Well the life of a reporter can be degrading
Taking crap from Popovich
What Aldridge wouldn’t give to be back at the station
Relaxing with a Subway sammich

But every night as Tony eats his dinner by the sink
His eyes fill up with glee
He calls up Alan Bubes and says “Drop everything!"
"Aldridge is on TV!”

And did he ever return?
No he never returned
It’s the legacy of David Stern (and Adam Silver)
The NBA lasts 13 months a year
But we hope he will one day return


Your Name
  • T Chappell Aldridge
    There's something really compelling about this song! Great recording!
    1802 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Very well done. Turn (er... ) is such a great line.
    3403 days ago.
  • Dylan in Los Angeles, CA
    Oh wow, I had forgotten about that earlier version about Tony, but now I remember. That one was great!
    3403 days ago.
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    Wow, I never thought this one would be covered twice! Nice!
    3403 days ago.
  • Tony in Murfreesboro, TN
    Harmonies and everything-- awesome. Plus a key Popovich reference!
    3404 days ago.