Hulu Cabana (Feat. Larry King & Judofuse)

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A parody of a song by Barry Manilow.
Recorded by Byron in Philadelphia, PA
Recorded: 05/10/2015  Released: 05/11/2015  First aired: 05/13/2015


To the tune of Copa Cabana by Barry Manilow

My name is Larry, I'm a TV star
I've had some real success on air and have ex-wives strewn everywhere
Though I am older I'm still tech savvy
With tweets and vines and Facebook friends, Tony could never comprehend
Now CNN is done, it's time to have some fun
When all the big networks aren't calling
The internet's the one
On the Hulu (Hulu!), Hulu web channel (Hulu web channel)
It's where you go when your show's canceled
On the Hulu (Hulu!), Hulu web channel
Richard in Cardiff you're on with the Pontiff
On the Hulu, who needs TV


Your Name
  • Byron in Philadelphia, PA
    Still one of my favorites!
    3173 days ago.
  • joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
    Listening to this one again today. Shocked I never commented on how great it was back in May.
    3175 days ago.
  • Hampton Nager in Dallas, TX
    A song that includes the lyrics "have a banana" doesn't deserve the stellar effort you guys throw down. Great jorb.
    3418 days ago.
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    Wow, gents! Wow.
    3419 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    wow...i did NOT see this coming. i wonder in the early days when Jerry was pumping 5 of these out a week if he could have ever foreseen something like this.
    3421 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Thanks! Byron matching this song with Larry King and "The Hulu" is such an amazing idea - I was just trying not to mess it up.
    3421 days ago.
  • Byron in Philadelphia, PA
    Thanks Brad! The Larry King impersonation was even more spectacular than I could have ever expected...fantastic work all around by judofuse!
    3421 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    The Larry King floodgates are opened! A performance the equal of the spectacular writing - well done, lads!
    3421 days ago.