1-877-FONE-4-FREE....outtake....WARNING- dirty words

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A parody of a song by Kars 4 Kids.
Recorded by Shad in DC
Recorded: 11/13/2013  Released: 12/07/2013  First aired: unaired


This was my first shot at FONE-4-FREE.....figured I really don't have a shot at the actual mailbag, but given the random comments by Gary, TK and Nigel I think they do listen to my 1-877 series and get some level of amusement.....this one was targeted at Nigel and Gary, but I chickened out and didn't send it in (I sent the FONE-4-FREE that has been listed here)....I thought I deleted it, but working on my next project 1-877-SYNG-LIKE-KRAP I found the file.....here it is.....I swear profusely and I believe take some god's name in vain....so keep the children away from this one, 'cuz as always, it's about the kids....


Your Name
  • ToddInLexington in United States
    3865 days ago.
  • Shad in DC
    Internet Show- it is entirely inspired by the redhawk89 "incident" from the internet show.
    3939 days ago.
  • Kj Ohnstad in St. Paul, MN
    Hilarious Shad :)
    3940 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    It's like the DVD special edition of tkjingles.com!
    3941 days ago.
  • bradweiss in Carrboro, NC
    Perfect for the internet show!!
    3941 days ago.
  • Shad in DC
    And when I say "people" I am NOT referring to any wonderful person who may frequent this site.....
    3941 days ago.