Hotel Vladimir (Hotel California)
This website, and the tunes herein, are just fantastic. This is my first (and probably last) attempt to reach the impossibly high bar set by the brilliant littles from around the world. Cheers all!
On a dark Russian highway, Sochi wind in my hair
Warm smell of the athletes, rising up through the air
Up ahead there's no flushing, I see an Olympic site
Bald head glows steady and my thoughts turn grim
I won't be pooping tonight
There he stood in the doorway;
I heard those stray dogs yelp
And I was thinking to myself,
"This ain't Rehoboth so it's probably Hell"
Then he lit up a cigarette, and he quit for the day
Some Russian voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel Vladimir Putin
Such a big disgrace (Such a big disgrace)
Such a scary place
No finished rooms at the Hotel Vladimir Putin
An Olympic year (an Olympic year)
You won't find Tony here
This jingle is included in the following playlists: