Rehoboth Water (Black Water)

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A parody of a song by Doobie Bros.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 02/24/2021  Released: 02/24/2021  First aired: unaired


When considering Mr. Tony’s THOUSAND DOLLAR Rehoboth quarterly water bill, I'm reminded of Joe Pesci as Leo Getz in Lethal Weapon 2; enraged when he mistakenly ends up with a tuna sandwich, he spitefully spits out "They f*ck you at the drive thru!"

America. They f*ck you at the drive thru.

Well, I own a beach house and she's must be a floatin'
Rehoboth City, she's shifting the blame
That water gets pumped in, now my head is thumpin’
A thousand dollar H2O bill is insane

Rehoboth Water, meter’s rollin’
What’s the trick you’re doin’ where you seek to overcharge me?

Yeah, get your invoicing right
150 gallons supposedly used up in just one night
And I've got these worries
'Cause my family's not there at all

Your gonna feel the wrath of Tony, man
Rehoboth water do you know who I am?
(Who I am) Man! (Do you who I am) Mr. Tony!
Cocktails forks will stab you all night