Wake Up Tony!

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A parody of a song by Rod Stewart.
Recorded by joeythejammer in Ellicott City, MD
Recorded: 10/12/2019  Released: 10/12/2019  First aired: 10/28/2019


Wake up Tony
'cause your Nats are doing somethin' that's really cool!
But you're in bed by 8, you never stay up late and break your golden rule

They say you're 71
that doesn't mean you can't have any fun
You might never see this again
before you die.....

Just have some ice cream over the sink
Boil some eggs with a good stiff drink
Max is a "Warrior God"
and The Orchid's gonna make you proud

By Joe Aro
Parody of "Maggie May" by Rod Stewart
Inspired by Ryan Joseph Chait, Cincinnati, Ohio

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Your Name
  • Daryn the meatmonger
    So great!
    1727 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    Love it from the opening line!
    1727 days ago.