Mike Brady Beret (Raspberry Beret)

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A parody of a song by Prince.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 04/22/2016  Released: 04/22/2016  First aired: unaired


Once we got the news Prince passed away, I struggled with the idea of jingling one of his songs. But... it's what we do. What better way to pay tribute than to remind the Littles of Tony's attempts to counteract hair loss? Mr. Tony once put on a wig that looked like the dad's hair on "The Brady Bunch." You could look it up.


Tone was working full time to improve his hairline
He’d try anything eagerly
Estrogen enzymes shot in his head several times
But the wig was the worst, easily

He wore a
Mike Brady toupee
The kind you find in a second hand store
Mike Brady toupee
Once his neighbor laughed he didn’t wear it much more
Mike Brady toupee
I’d pay to see that.