NOT Life in the Fast Lane

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A parody of a song by Eagles.
Recorded by Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
Recorded: 11/10/2013  Released: 11/12/2013  First aired: 12/04/2013


Eagles Contest + Eagles Cover, you do the math (no, not you Braun!)
There are so many riotously good jingles up here now that it's a crapshoot to see who'll get played. So enjoy it now!

He was a bald orange man
You would not call him handsome
Though his columnettes were witty.

He begged for stuff
and the little's would send some
With a sammich from Bagel City

He had been an ink stained wretch, in the newsprint each day.
And now he just yodels, but now he gets paid.

He will leave by 8:30
And go straight to bed,
But the thing that makes him laugh?
Corno curo cabinet.

Here comes the mailbag
All your notes, if there's time

Here comes the mailbag
Not yours.