Plumbing (Something)

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 06/01/2015  Released: 06/01/2015  First aired: unaired


Something’s leaking badly in your basement
And they think that it’s your bathroom
Something’s leaking badly down here
You ought to do something now
But Tony's leaving for a few hours
The plumber asked was this leak slow?
Tone don't know, Tone don't know
He naps throughout the plumbing show
Lots of dough you’re gonna owe
Something's leaking badly down here
And you don’t want to know just what it is
Someone’s gotta do the repairing
Only thing that you might manage now
Is maybe paint a flat wall somehow 

And leave the plumbing to another guy


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  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    By the way listening to this backing track McCartney's bass line is unbelievable good. He's got a great future behind him.
    3320 days ago.
  • mrlip in Springfield, VA
    Thanks Rob! I think the key to my improved singing is always being on the verge of cracking up.
    3321 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    I think your singing is getting better, Steve. either that or maybe you just got an injection of confidence and started going for notes, but either way your songs are that much better for it.
    3321 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Nice! You always do a great job of playing off the song titles.
    3323 days ago.