"Mr Tony" (done to Mr Sandman by the Chordettes 1954)

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Recorded by CB in Annapolis, Maryland
Recorded: 11/08/2013  Released: 11/08/2013  First aired: unaired


Mr Tony
Send him your notes
Emails and faxes, from all of you dotes
Give him a pen, he'll make a bandwagon
Radio, TV, Pulitzer... thought he had won?
Mr Tony
Orange and gray
Scared to cross over the Chesapeake Bay
Please tune in to hear him crow
on the "Toe-No-Kornio Show"

Related Songs

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Your Name
  • CB
    thanks for th kind words, not sure if it aired or not?
    3889 days ago.
  • chipster61 in Jackson, MO
    Nice job CB!!!! This one aired last week didn't it?
    3890 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    I love these lyrics. That last line is one of the funniest I've ever heard out of all of these TK mailbag jingles. Well done!
    3891 days ago.


This jingle is included in the following playlists:

Playlist User
All of CB's Jingles CB in Annapolis, Maryland
All the TK Jingles of 2013 Jerry in Annandale, VA
Favorites Paul G in JONESBOROUGH