A Song for a Snake.....1-877-NUM-BER-2

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A parody of a song by 1-877-KARS-4-KIDS KRAP.
Recorded by Shad in DC
Recorded: 11/09/2014  Released: 11/10/2014  First aired: unaired


1-877-NUM-BER-2, N-U-M-B, Number 2
When you gotta go, you gotta go!

So, this idiot is going to be swallowed by a snake and one question remains:
How Does He Get Out?

Well, I see three possibilities-

First, he gets out the way he came in....well, that seems to be a bit of a been-there-done-that-type-situation and somewhat boring;

Option 2, he cuts himself out, but given our politically correct climate, the PETA people are not going to be too happy with that method; so...

The final option or as I like to call it: "The Gilbert Arenas Exit"....

Listen, this is gross and entertainment at it's most base level, but if that snake can poop this guy into a giant shoe, then I AM SOLD and bring on the next challenge....a crocodile, a raccoon, Joey Chestnut...

When you gotta go, you gotta go!


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  • Tom in Kissimmee FL
    TV Gold
    3475 days ago.