Mural For Nothing (Money For Nothing)

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A parody of a song by Dire Straits.
A Collaboration by mrlip in Springfield, VA & RobertSz in Winnipeg,MB
Recorded: 01/24/2019  Released: 01/24/2019  First aired: 01/30/2019


That ain’t working someone come out and do it
You paint a mural on the wall for free
That ain’t worthy of me parting with my money
But you’ll be getting good publicity

We got to record podcasts by the dozen
While Chatter’s facing insolvency
We got to move Coach Williams burgers
This restaurants failing miserably

Painting murals for nothing
Get publicity

I want my I want my mural for free

I ain’t payin’

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Your Name
  • RobertSz in Winnipeg,MB
    Brilliant Steve. It made me laugh.
    2060 days ago.