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A parody of a song by Harry Nilsson.
Recorded by John Fitzpatrick in Arlington, VA
Recorded: 05/14/2018  Released: 05/14/2018  First aired: 05/18/2018


4DP recently extended his lead over Mr. Tony in degrees held. As stupid as it is that I noticed this, this song is even stupider

"Coconut" by Nilsson

Tony’s got a podcast where he yodels all the time
He used to write for newspapers back in ancient times
He went to Harpur in Binghamton, when he was a pup
It’s now called SUNY in Binghamton, he called the board up
I’ll write a check to you Binghamton, they ate it all up

They cashed that check there in Binghamton, they called him Doctor, pumped him up
I’m a Doctor, well now don’t that take the cake
Call me Doctor, I’ll pretend this isn’t fake
I say “Doctor, when I do this there’s this ache!”
And this Doctor says “Don’t do that, take a break!”

Now Howard set things straight
I did good things up at Colgate, they gave me a degree
I did the same down in Louisville, they did the same you see
Washington Jefferson, they hooked this brother up

Just gave a speech up in Gettysburg, I got the fourth one, yup!
Quatro Doctor, plus don’t forget the Prof
Tell me, Doctor Tony help make me HOF/WOF
Help me Doctor, without it people scoff
Tell me, Doctor, do these things ever payoff?

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