Purple Line

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A parody of a song by Toto.
Recorded by Dylan in Los Angeles, CA
Recorded: 06/25/2015  Released: 06/25/2015  First aired: 06/26/2015


To the tune of "Hold the Line" by Toto

It better not be near the golf course
It better not be near the tennis courts
It better not be near where the trivia group sits
It better not be near the new fire pits
It better not be anywhere near Columbia Country Club

Purple Line!
Don’t build it on Tony’s dime (whoa no no)
Purple Line!
Disturbing his golf game is a crime (yeah yeah yeah)

This message goes out to Larry Hogan
This message goes out to Ike Leggett
He’ll support any politician who derails this train
He’ll support any politician except Obenshain
His golf game is bad enough without a train going through

Purple Line!
Making him spit up red wine (yeah yeah yeah)
Purple Line!
Just not near the Club and it’s fine

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Your Name
  • Kj Ohnstad in Red Wing, MN
    This is so great, Dylan! Happy it aired!
    3365 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    that first verse is just fantastic. and going up high to get ike leggett too. and tony is right...it seems like dropping obenshain is always money.
    3372 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    Heard this on the podcast yesterday- great stuff!
    3374 days ago.
  • Tony (not that one) in Murfreesboro, TN
    I now have this image of Mr. Tony dressed in a Payne Stewart style golf outfit and glaring at a train as it speeds past the course. And I won't be able to easily erase it. Also... Obenshain references 4eva!!!
    3375 days ago.