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A parody of a song by hasbro.
Recorded by Jason Fuse in Los Angeles
Recorded: 05/16/2015  Released: 05/16/2015  First aired: unaired


My Caps 2015 Choking Dogs contribution. I already had the vocoder preset I made for Intergalactic, so why not...

He'll transform them! - Trotz can do it right!
He'll transform them! - He's more than just a guy!

Barry Trotz is the coach that will
Save us and win a championship for the Capitals

They're transformingl - This year it begins!
They're transforming! - Wait, they lost game 7 again?!

Maybe Trotz isn't the guy some thought
Would change the playoff fortunes of the DC Capitals

Not Transformational - Didn't save us at all
Not Transformational - Still choking dogs
Not Transformational

A Parody of "Transformers (1987)" by Hasbro, I guess. (Original TV show theme song.)


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    I'm cornering the cartoon dog song market - that doesn't exist. Definitely going downhill fast... maybe deprogressed? My English - it not so well. And anything can be vocoded... the question as always is - should it be vocoded.
    3414 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    that should not have been an adverb. my extemporaneous typing got the better of me just now.
    3414 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    underdog. definitely underdog. but begin with one of his absurdly forced-rhyme poems first!
    3414 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    Since you have progressed (?) from Scooby-Doo to Choking Dogs, I wonder what cartoon canines are left? Hong Kong Fooey? His dog Astro? Huckleberry Hound? Humble but lovable shoeshine boy/Underdog?
    3415 days ago.
  • rob in Pittsburgh, PA
    Hasbro, i guess! i don't think we've explored cartoon themes nearly enough. what else can you vocode?
    3415 days ago.