Sliders from Drew Storen (Riders on the Storm)

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A parody of a song by The Doors.
Recorded by mrlip in Springfield, VA
Recorded: 05/08/2015  Released: 05/08/2015  First aired: unaired


Validation baby! I got my name (Steve Lipton) mentioned on the air yesterday. Oh, it was completely in error and Nigel was quick to correct it to Steven Maloney, but not before Mr. Tony asked "Do we know who he is?" So the next time I see Mr. Tony I can give him a "Do you know who I am!" and it will be in context. At lest it will in MY mind.

Validation baby!

That aside, today's jingle is a riff an Tony's mention of Boz's puff piece on Drew Storen and how the Nats are all set with him in the bullpen.

Sliders from Drew Storen (Riders on the Storm)

Sliders from Drew Storen
Sliders from Drew Storen
Into this game he’s thrown
Soriano’s gone
If we are spotting trends our only hope depends
On sliders from Drew Storen

Stammen’s elbow’s toast
Tyler Clippard’s on the coast
Rizzo said adios
We miss him the most
If you gave the Nats a ‘pen they might win games again
Stammen’s elbow’s toast

Sliders from Drew Storen
Sliders from Drew Storen
Sliders from Drew Storen
Sliders from Drew Storen


Your Name
  • Kj in MN in St. Paul, MN
    Very clever. Great performance
    3419 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    That story is great, I need to catch up on the last couple days of the podcast. First time they mentioned me on-air I got a "Who are these people?!" Part of the fun of all this is that kind of stuff. And this one is really cool. You have the Doors down pretty good, and always have a great take on the song title or main chorus line.
    3424 days ago.