I'm So Fired (for Bill Simmons)

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A parody of a song by The Beatles.
Recorded by Jerry in Annandale, VA
Recorded: 03/04/2015  Released: 03/05/2015  First aired: 03/06/2015


I’m so fired
I guess this is goodbye
I’m so fired
Why didn’t I just stick to PTI?
I’ll never finish my Trade Value column ‘cause now I'm out of time

You ask, Bill, why’d you go on?
Well, I was in town, filling in for Wilbon
But now I’ve blown it, like unmasking Kane!
How did this happen? Why isn’t this taped?
Wait, why am I so worried this is a local show
It’s on from 10 to 12 and only reaches about 30 homes
I still have TV and blogs and podcasts who needs radio

A parody of The Beatles, “I’m So Tired"


Your Name
  • John Neiswinger in Bel Air, MD
    Seems like now would be a good time to replay this on Tony's show. Wonder where he'll end up?
    3423 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    When doing something for Simmons, I figured a WWE shoutout was a prerequisite. Coming soon: bsjingles.com
    3487 days ago.
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    That unmasking Kane line is a great pull. I'm also starting to think the last 10 in the trade value column are gonna be split into a 5 part series.... which I think would be really funny.
    3487 days ago.