Nel blu dipinto di Jew (Chaputzvah!) -- AKA "Volare"

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A parody of a song by Dean Martin.
Recorded by John Welsh in Somerville, MA
Recorded: 02/19/2015  Released: 02/19/2015  First aired: unaired


Chaputzvah! Oh vey!
Butt mitzvah! That’s what I say!

There aren’t many Jews in my state
So I schmooze the shiksas I date
I can kvetch with the best of the bobes and mentschzes
Say “feh”to the goyem and yentes
Let us nosh on some latkes and leave all ours tsuris behind!
Stop schlepping those tschotskes or bupkis is all that you’ll find!

Shaputzvah! Oh vey!
Butt mitzvah! That’s what I say!

Nel blu, dipinto di blu! Felice di stare un Jew!


Your Name
  • judofuse in Atlanta
    About halfway through this my brain forgot what actual words are... brilliant as both a parody song AND a psych exam. Also, simultaneously raising and lowering the bar with "butt mitzvah"... so funny.
    3501 days ago.
  • Brad Weiss in Carrboro, NC
    Somehow the Italian made me laugh as much as the Yiddish!
    3501 days ago.
  • John Welsh in Somerville, MA
    That's Chaputzvah would definitely work. I am pretty sure I collaborated on "That's Ebola" a while back, but it was "too soon" I am inordinately proud of "Butt mitzvah"
    3501 days ago.
  • Jerry in Annandale, VA
    This was the other tune I was thinking of doing instead of That's Amore. Glad I didn't -- this is great!
    3501 days ago.